国際協力 International Cooperation (JPN/ENG)

International Exchange

 体験報告 ~  お金の話









アジアゾウ ~ スリランカ






ピンナワラ(スリランカ)ゾウの孤児院 1994 Elephant Orphanage in Pinnawala Sri Lanka 1994



孤児院に引き取られた子ゾウ A baby elephant taken in by the orphanage




ここは東京の新宿の高層ビルにある、Official Development Assistance=ODAを実施する日本の海外援助機関、知子の仕事場だ。設立されてようやく1年半たったばかりだった。


海外援助機関というのは、世界各国を国内総生産(Gross Domestic Product=GDP)の指数の低い国々を「開発途上国」として支援する仕事だ。60名ぐらいの職員が新しい高層ビルの、仕切りのない広いワンフォロアーで4つの課に分かれて、技術協力の研修員受け入れの仕事をしていた。



Training Coordinator(トレーニング・コーディネーター、以下CDR) は研修3課に所属していた。CDRという職種は、日本のODAが1974年以前の10年間の試行錯誤から考え出したユニークな産物だった。研修期間中、必要な通訳と調整をする仕事と説明されていた。






















Experience Report:  Money

There was an era when Japan’s technological innovation led the world, and Japanese corporate brands and cutting-edge technology were the subject of admiration and longing. Especially in the 1990s, strictly speaking, during the decade from 1991 to 2000, Japan’s ODA was the largest in the world. The economy was top-notch, and foreign developing countries came to Japan to acquire knowledge in technology.

After six months of two assistant training coordinator assignments with JICA, the first training course I was assigned as a training coordinator on my own was “Computer Technology,” a three-month course held in Tokyo during the fall and winter of 1976. Twelve systems engineers from Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America participated in the program, one from each of the 12 countries, on a combined schedule of training and observation.

During the cold months of October through December, I spent three months at Fujitsu’s research laboratory in Kamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo. Although it was a heavy burden for me take on, Fujitsu lecturers were in charge of both lectures and practical training, and Mr. Nakahata (pseudonym), a staff member of an affiliated organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was in charge of planning of the entire schedule. Including myself, there were always four to five people involved at any given time, and we were to share the responsibility for three months.

On the first day of the training, Mr. Nakahata was supposed to hand-deliver living expenses to each participant during their stay. However, when Mr. Nakahata checked the amount and handed it to the last participant, Mr. Hassan from Khartoum, Sudan, I was caught off guard when Mr. Nakahata apologized and said, “I’m sorry, but I made a mistake of being 20,000 yen short. I will deliver the 20,000 yen directly to you myself at a later date. ” What did he mean by “I made a mistake of being short of 20,000 yen? I was puzzled, but a few days passed without any change.

In the Fujitsu lab, Mr. Hassan came in during a lunch break and asked, in an awkward voice, “Could you ask Mr. Nakahata what happened to the 20,000 yen?” He said in a voice that sounded like it was about to disappear. Surely, Mr.Nakahata had told Mr. Hassan that he would get it later, but not knowing that it still had not yet been received, I immediately went to Mr. Nakahata’s place to ask.
“Mr. Hassan already urged me to do the same. Does he think I won’t pay?” He added, “Japanese people don’t do such things, but Mr. Hassan is a worrier”, he replied as if taking things easy. And then, despite my repeated requests, which had no effect, and for which I was equally culpable, Mr. Nakahata visited Mr. Hassan’s lodging the day before his departure and refunded the 20,000 yen along with the completion of the program.

For myself, the solution would not have been to wait for Mr. Nakahata’s work; in hindsight, I could have tried many different ways to solve the problem. Speaking of Mr. Nakahata, I should have known that he alone was in charge of receiving more than 50 participants from various countries at the same time, making it impossible for him to take a day off or return home on time.

Meanwhile, during his stay, Mr. Hassan, who said himself that he was homesick, became more and more depressed day by day; he looked miserable because it was difficult to find a coat that would fit his 2-meter tall body in Tokyo at that time, but he never talked about the allowance again. There was no doubt that the lack of provision was one source of heartache, as he was afraid that he might be ignored for the shortfall. One day, he suddenly burst into tears and became mentally unstable, and was on the verge of a crisis.

Speaking of the actual situation on the Japanese side, the field of accepting participants for international cooperation was a challenging part with trial-and-errors of a large-scale project with which Japan had no experience at the time. Although Japan was experiencing remarkable economic growth, the technical training program to accept engineers and administrative officials from overseas in a huge scale had just started, centered on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), JICA, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), and the Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS).
When JICA was established in August 1975, it was part of the official development assistance (ODA) to developing countries and was responsible for technical training. JICA also took charge of the aspect of the project of accepting participants. There were also restrictions on the training of the Japanese technology, which was that it had to be transferred only after receiving requests from developing countries.
Although MOFA was assigned for the planning and budget, and JICA was the implementing agency, the actual “technology transfer” was prepared in a short period of time through cooperation among public sector of research institutes of relevant government agencies, specialists with technologies (formerly part of the ministries), and leading Japanese companies and other organizations.
I also inquired at JOCV for someone familiar with overseas affairs and was able to meet with a former volunteer who knew Sudan. When I asked him how much 20,000 yen is worth in Sudan, he gave me a difficult answer: “In Sudan, there is no way to compare the value of money with that of Japan. The salary of a civil servant is about 300 to 1,000 yen in shillings per month, I think.” He added, “In the capital city of Khartoum, of course money is used and circulated in daily life, but there are tribal communities where people receive, give, lend, borrow, and barter for their goods and services.”
I understood that the necessary expenses for his stay would be meaningless unless he used the money in Japan, so I gave Mr. Nakahata the information I had gathered about the situation in Sudan and considered that it would be best if he would provide the money as soon as possible. Afterwards I, too, gave priority to my daily routine.
The result was that he was paid just before he left Japan, which was terrible. I was the one who had been careless, and it was disheartening to realize that I had done something irreversible.

Nevertheless, after returning from Japan, I received a letter from Mr. Hassan apologizing for the homesickness and inconvenience which he had caused, and also thanking us for the meaningful and enjoyable exchange at Fujitsu’s Kamata Training Center, Fujitsu’s Numazu facility, the beautiful port of Numazu, Shizuoka, and his wish to have his colleagues at work continue to participate in JICA and Fujitsu’s training programs.
As I read the letter, my guilt and worries faded away in relief.

(1) Write about the good things mainly and express appreciation for participation.
(2) Avoiding topics such as financial difficulties will help to maintain peace.

With these two things in mind, the training for me was somehow over.


Asian Elephant ~ Sri Lanka

There was a call for applications for an ODA project in which the Japanese government would provide 10 million yen in funding and accept proposals for any viable and necessary projects. Regularly implemented since the 1990s, it now seems to have been integrated into the “Grassroots Project”. I contacted Dr. Takatsuki, an acquaintance of mine, with the good news that we would be able to participate in the first or the second ODA project in time.

Dr. Takatsuki, an ecologist and researcher on the coexistence of wild animals and human society, had just completed a field survey of wild elephants and human settlements in Kandy, Sri Lanka. The rapid decline of wild elephants in Asia and their coexistence with humans was and still is an important theme for the countries and regions concerned.

In 1994, I had taken a summer vacation to Kandy, Sri Lanka to help and volunteer at the FCI (International Federation of Cattle Dogs) dog show which was only for police shepherds. Although the time was a few years earlier than my visit, this was near where Dr. Takatsuki and his lab students had stayed. Despite being there for only eight days, I was shocked to learn that wild elephants appeared to have been living excessively close to human lives. In Sri Lanka, residents had made efforts to carefully keep herds of forest elephants away from their villages and to drive them away if they came close, but this had reached its limits.

The Sri Lankans, at least in the vicinity of Kandy, never kill elephants, but poaching was rampant, and the number of baby elephants left near their killed parents increased over the years and had to be protected in facilities.About 30 km from Kandy, was an elephant orphanage in Pinnawala, now a famous tourist attraction. In 1994, in the middle of the presidential election campaign, the safety was unstable, so the Kandy police, who exhibited their police dogs at the dog show, accompanied us to the orphanage.

“We are now planning to start a foster program for these baby elephants at the orphanage,” The chief of police explained to us. “As development progressed and forests with wild animals decreased, the number of baby elephants that could return to the forest was decreasing. In addition, elephants that had been injured and received medical treatment from people, became attached and are approaching the village without returning to the wild even after they are released. So, we held many meetings with the residents of Kandy to come up with measures to prevent further deterioration of the relationship with the elephants.”

“For those elephants that cannot be returned to the wild, we are considering having people from overseas send money to help them learn to perform tricks,” said the director of the elephant orphanage. Next, the director continued, “If 100,000 yen, which includes the caretaker’s salary, is sent to each baby elephant a month as a rearing fee, after 10 years the elephants will become full-fledged and able to earn an income through tricks.” He added, “When I say tricks, Sri Lanka has many festivals and events where elephants are mobilized, and they are on cue to walk and stop in the streets, and to carry people on and off.”

The police chief concluded with a smile, “The elephants have long life expectancy, so they can start earning money after 10 years and then return to you for the next 20 to 30 years. We are all working very hard to make this a success.” This was my best vacation story, and I never forgot about it until today as a dream that I hope to fulfill someday.

The preparation for the application for the ODA project was led by Dr. Takatsuki and two Sri Lankan scholars, who discussed the purpose, selection criteria, priority of themes, etc. with the people concerned, and came to the conclusion that we could make a proposal within the scope of either “conservation of Asian elephants” or “coexistence of humans and Asian elephants”. The next step was to find out if there were any such requests from our Asian counterparts. We were quite optimistic that there would be countries with needs, but as it turned out, even after a year, we could not find any country that would make such a request.

Everyone involved in the exchange of information and other discussions acknowledged the significance of the proposal yet were disheartened because we had no choice but to accept the fact that we could not find a recipient for the ODA. However, Dr. Takatsuki was satisfied. He said he was very pleased with the fact, “Everyone was so busy that all of you were interested in the knowledge and experience of conserving wild elephants without destroying the forest ecosystem, which is far from your daily life. And we spent countless hours together, having constant discussions on how to correct the development of the project while learning from failed cases. I was impressed that there is a workplace for people who are willing to take action to preserve the ecosystem of humans and even the earth.”

Some years later, I asked an aid director in a country where human-elephant coexistence was considered to be a future issue, why projects focusing on coexistence with Asian elephants and conservation of forests inhabited by wild animals were not progressing.
He replied, “I think it is because, from the aid recipients’ point of view, it is difficult to assess the impact of conservation of wildlife and forests in their natural state. Additionally, projects like such cannot get enough financial aid from developed countries.”
He also said, “Priority is inevitably given to aid that is straightforward, aid that is visible and urgently needed, where the lack of large machinery, medical equipment, and educational facilities means that their own people cannot even enjoy the basic benefits available in developed countries.” Forests and wildlife cannot raise the alarm of urgency. I felt helpless and dejected that people would not notice the importance of the issue until it is too late, and the situation reaches a point of no return.

The other dreamlike story about elephants sending money back after growing up in return for the financial support seems to have disappeared subsequently or was never talked about. The reason was easy to see from the fact that the elephant orphanage in Pinnawala had been “thriving” with tourists since 1994. The admission fee included an elephant ride, bathing time, and milk time, not to mention increased revenue, and it could be assumed that visitors would be willing to donate money for the cute, orphaned elephants in front of them if asked. Perhaps a donation system must have been put in place to include the cost of raising the baby elephants. If so, the wishes of the local people would have been fulfilled. I was filled with relief and happiness, imagining that the number of orphaned elephants had decreased through donations from home and abroad, and ultimately an effective system for managing the ecosystem had been established.


ピンナワラの象の孤児院 スリランカ 1994
Elephant Orphanage in Pinnawala Sri Lanka 1994








A baby elephant taken in by the orphanage

A story of  failure

This is Tomoko’s workplace, a high-rise building in Shinjuku, Tokyo. A Japanese overseas aid agency that implements Official Development Assistance (ODA). It had only been established a year and a half ago.

Japan’s Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) in the form of technical cooperation began in 1954 after the end of the war but was not generally known to the public. In August 1974, JICA was established, and immigration, technical cooperation, and the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) were newly under the budget and planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The foreign aid agency is in charge of assisting “developing countries” in the world with low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) indexes. 60 or so staff members were divided into four divisions in a spacious, partition less room, working to accept technical cooperation participants.

Tomoko Mihara started working in the 3rd training division in April 1975. She began working with Yuko Ikenaga and Kazue Yano, and within a month, they not only had a kindred spirit but also a sincere need to help one another.

Today, Tomoko was waiting for Yuko and Kazue to return from their outside work. After 3:00 p.m., she was anxious to see who would come in and open the door diagonally to the rear on the right.

The Training Coordinator (CDR) was assigned to the 3rd Training Division, a unique creation of the Japanese ODA’s pre-1974 decade of trial and error. The job was described as providing necessary interpretation and coordination during the training period for participants from abroad.

For CDRs who have finished their outside work, the 3rd Training Division is where to report on the day’s work and prepare for the next day and beyond, but in many cases, they do not have to go all the way back to Shinjuku but can instead report by phone and prepare for the next day’s work at the site. The reason why we cannot go directly home is that although we are registered as CDRs, Yuko, Kazue, and Tomoko, have just reached one year and two months this month in June and are not yet full-fledged CDRs. As such, we have been told by Division Chief T to come to the office if we can be back by 5:00 pm. For the three of them, it was a pleasure to drop by the office that day for “reflection” and “exchange of information” among our colleagues there.

The three of them all happened to be in their 20s, with Yuko and Kazue being the same age and Tomoko was four years older than them. In April, the number of registered CDRs, who were contracted to work primarily as interpreters and handle liaison & coordination at training sites when needed, gradually increased from 50 to almost 100 in a short time. Since they were generally young and in their 20s or 30s, they were regularly recommended by Chief T to take the full-time staff exam rather than the freelance contract in order to secure their livelihood. However, most of the CDRs, both men and women, did not want to become clerical workers.

When Kazue Yano returned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s overseas training office, she looked much somber, and her usual vivaciousness was absent. She was a person who brightened up everyone around her with her friendly smile, so Tomoko couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong?”. When Yuko came back from her work, interpreting lectures at the Ministry of Labor and all three of them were together, Kazue began to talk.

Kazue was in charge of a three-month “agricultural extension” program planned and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, working with CDR Sayama of the 3rd Training Division. 15 administrative officers from Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, South America, and Africa specializing in agricultural extension were being trained, and Kazue was accompanying them, providing interpretation and coordinating their work. Starting tomorrow, Kazue had to work on her own and said that she had lost confidence in her job. During the remaining training period of one and a half months, there would be three more regional inspections and on-the-job training. Today, Kazue was told by Mr. E, a participant from the Philippines, that the way she treated him had hurt him badly. Kazue said that she had always thought Mr. E was a very capable person, and her thoughts were going around in circles, trying to figure out what she should have done.

“It’s half an hour until the end of the day,” Kazue said, glancing at the clock on the wall as she continued her recounting. “Today, after the Monday morning lecture, during a break, I noticed several participants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and other countries were giggling at the back of Mr. E. Fashionable Mr. E. was wearing a glue-ironed, moss-green shirt. but had an A4-sized piece of paper with the word ‘dangerous’ written on the back with cello tape”.

Kazue thought she had two ways to react. One is to get rid of it, since it says ‘dangerous’, and Mr. E was not aware of it. The other is to keep out of it as it could have been an extension of an inside joke from the weekend since the participants usually spent time together on weekends.

Speaking of what actually happened, Mr. E. noticed the sign on his back later that day and said to Kazue, “You are the training coordinator. When I am being insulted, you should be telling me about it, not laughing alongside others.” He came to Kazue and complained in serious tone. Kazue was trying to become a full-fledged CDR, but she wondered if this meant she would be expected to work to an extent where she had to care for every little detail.

After listening to Kazue’s episode, Tomoko also thought it was okay to leave it because it was a joke among fellow participants who clearly had a good relationship with each other. Yuko said quite frankly, “Since Kazue was looking at the scene with the trainees when the paper was put up, even if she intended not to get involved, to Mr. E it might have looked as if the CDR was laughing along with them.” The talk went in circles. It was hard to come to a conclusion on what would have been the correct way to react. The three moved to a nearby coffee shop to continue sharing the pros and cons of the situation. The result of our discussion was this: the response Mr. E expected from Kazue was clearly not within the scope of CDR’s work.

The three tried to imagine what happened on the weekend that led to the incident. The participants most likely went out together as a weekend group, and Mr. E, being a non-Muslim, Filipino, could easily talk to the female clerks in stores starting with a friendly greeting “Konnichiwa!” It could have been that other participants were somewhat envious as this was a time when Muslim men would never be able to behave in such a way. They probably joked with each other that Mr. E was a “dangerous person,” and then pasted the piece of paper on his back on Monday. The three CDRs took the liberty of imagining that Mr. E was not angry that his fellow trainees put such a paper on his back, but that it was Kazue’s job to warn them and remove the paper, which is a fair point.

Here, we rehashed again the scope of CDR’s responsibilities, whether it is the CDR’s work or not. The hard part, obviously, is that Kazue is right, and CDRs can keep their distance from jokes and shenanigans among participants. However, this was in the training site, in the lecture hall of CDR’s workplace. Unfortunately, no further progress was made on what should have been done, but Tomoko, and perhaps Yuko, were a little relieved that for Kazue, talking to us helped her feel a little lighter about the topic.

Two months later, we met again at the 3rd Training Division in Shinjuku. A month and a half after the incident, the training program ended successfully, and all 15 participants returned to their respective countries with their training certificates in hand.

During the remainder of the program after the incident, Mr. E. said only the minimum necessary words to Kazue. However, on the day before he was to return home, Mr. E. came up to Kazue and handed her an elegant beige cotton blouse, saying, “This is a souvenir I brought from the Philippines during my training to give to a person who has helped me a lot.”

Yuko looked at Kazue mindfully but said in her usual unpretentious tone. She said, “Yes, it may have been insulting to Mr. E, but now that we look back a little more calmly, Mr. E must have felt lonely, possibly betrayed by someone he thought he liked, namely Kazue. Don’t you think so?”
Tomoko also said, “Indeed! We expanded the causes, such as whether it was within the scope of our work, or the norms of Muslim people, but as Yuko said, no matter how many times we reflect on the incident, it is better to just say it was a wonderful memory than to regret an event we can no longer redo.”

Thus, we were able to turn a failure that Kazue still regrets into a positive conclusion: someone she would like to see again.


