犬/感動した話 (体験にもとづくフィクション&ノンフィクション)Dog/What Impressed Me JPN/ENG

ヨーロッパ(ブタペスト)の展覧会での秋田犬 Dog show in Budapest ,participants with Akita inu


第六話  感動したこと   






Dog show in Europe, participants at Budapest with Akita inu

Episode 6 🌞 What Impressed Me

I had always wanted to start an amateur study of Hokkaido dogs after I entered the workforce. Since my family had lived in Hokkaido for three years when I was Junior high, I actually exhibited my family dogs at exhibitions and talked forever with my dog friends. There are wonderful records and accomplishments of our predecessors who have published photographs and descriptions of Hokkaido dogs by pedigree and lineage along the chronological lines. I don’t know if I once read or if it was my original idea that in general, excellent research on canines does not come out of universities and laboratories. People who love dogs would surely rather live and play with dogs than to study them. It is said that dogs are the mirror of their owners, and as such, I think this is a grand subject that is equivalent to the study of people. The people I know who are obsessed with dogs are called “dog enthusiasts” and spend a lot of time and money on dogs. Although their efforts and achievements are not immediately recognized, they must have at least been filled with a sense of fulfillment and rich memories. Ironically to their families and others around them, they may have been perceived as terrible people as they would only focus on their research.

In the 1990s, university laboratories in Japan obtained budget for research and studies on Japanese dogs, and specialists in genetic information (DNA) joined them to analyze and clarify their roots and similar breeds. In contrast to these cutting-edge cases, research and studies on the Hokkaido dog were clearly lagging behind and stagnating even at the present time. Although I would like to see modern time technology be used that will allow us to catch up from this delay, it seems that the financial situation of the Japanese dog preservation societies is such that they do not have the funds to conduct research and surveys on their own.

In 1993, I took a summer vacation to participate in the AJIKC (alias: All Japan International Kennel Club) Dog Show as a member of the secretariat staff. The show was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the time, the AJIKC was one of the largest domestic dog organizations in Japan and was classified as a livestock dog producer organization under the jurisdiction of the Small Animal Section of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. Incidentally six breeds of Japanese dogs, Akita, Kai, Kishu, Shiba, Shikoku, and Hokkaido dogs, were national treasures and under the jurisdiction of the Agency for Cultural Affairs. The AJIKC is a member of the FCI (International Federation of Cattle Dogs, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium), which is an international federation of organizations that distribute certified breeds on the world market. In other words, it operated a worldwide market mechanism to certify pedigreed breeds and to bring pedigreed dogs into the market.

The AJIKC represents both Western and Japanese dogs in Japan and participates in meetings that require voting and the holding of dog shows at the FCI. As a result, the AJIKC is an organization that includes both dog breeders and dog lovers. It seems that the hardships of operating AJIKC were extraordinary. The president of AJIKC was fond of saying, “The quality of the club’s dogs has improved dramatically, but the quality of the people has not kept its pace.”

In Copenhagen, the judges included two Japanese judges from the AJIKC who were qualified as international judges. After the Shih Tzu division was over, a woman came to the judges’ table looking for the Japanese judge from AJIKC who had officiated the Shih Tzu division. It seems that dissatisfaction, disagreement, or consultation with the judges were common, and Judge T. stood from his seat, somewhat uneasy, but still looking familiar with the situation. Judge T. was an important figure of the AJIKC with extensive experience as a judge both nationally and internationally.

“There was little explanation of how my girl Aqua performed.” She said wanting to hear more. As for my job, I passed on her words to Judge T. The judge said, “You were the last one, Aqua. Her gait was very shaky, and she probably cannot walk normally. Is her leg injured?” The lady replied, ” Oh yes, my girl had a collision with a car two years ago,” but she smiled as if her girl’s life was saved, and then added, “Her hind legs are not back to normal. But I brought her to the dog show because I wanted some expert comments and advice on Aqua. I think her coat and face are very beautiful.”

For a moment, everyone around me and I became silent. More than anyone else, it was the very thing that judge T had always envisioned as the future of dog shows. In the 1980s and 1990s, AJIKC was at its peak in terms of the number of dogs entered in shows in Japan, and winning, losing, ranking, and being disqualified, were the main concerns of dog shows.

Sincere comments that would help dog owners raise their dogs tend not to be included. Puppies from winning dogs marked high prices, and their parents were sought after for breeding. I guessed that no one in Japan would allow a dog that walks with a limp to participate in a dog show. A lady with a Shih Tzu, whom I had encountered nearly 30 years ago, asked us, quite naturally, whether we could get affirmation and praise from experts for the characteristics of her dog, which she boasts about daily, and what she should pay more attention to. This question was subsequently deeply engraved in my mind.


