さっぽろ犬物語 With My Three Dogs in Sapporo, Hokkaido 2005 —2008 (JPN/ENG)

札幌市西区福井で Fukui, Nishi-ward、Sapporo city
  1.  序文/introduction
    1. 再び札幌で暮らして      犬の一家と住む
    2. 西区、福井の緑地帯
    3. 発寒川の辺り 
    4. 札幌の冬道 
    5. 雪掻き 
    6. 犬のしもやけ
    7. 一挙手一投足 
    8. 北海道犬 ー アイヌ犬
    9. 道犬保の、北海道犬の保存という役割
        1. 注Ⅰ 写真は、国際救助犬連盟(IRO)及びスウェーデン・ワーキングドッグ・アソシエーション(SBK)、スウェーデン・ケネルクラブ(SKC)主催で、スウェーデンのイエテボリ(Göteborg) 近郊のハランド(Halland)で2003年に開催された災害救助犬大会での見学・研修会。犬種や純潔種等は問わない。競技会に参加して、自分の飼い犬を訓練の成果を専門家に評価してもらう参加者が大半だった。
    10. Living in Sapporo Again       With a family of dogs
    11. Fukui Greenbelt, Nishi Ward, Sapporo
    12. Along the Hassamu River
    13. Winter Roads in Sapporo
    14. Snow shoveling
    15. Dogs’ frostbite
    16. Every single movement and behavior
    17. Hokkaido dog (Ainu dog)
    18. Do Ken Po’s role in preserving Hokkaido dog
        1. note 1:  Photos below show a visit and training session at the Disaster Rescue Dog Congress held in Halland near Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden. It was organized by the International Rescue Dog Federation (IRO), the Swedish Working Dog Association (SBK), and the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC) in 2003. Regardless of breed, purebred, and etc., the majority of participants in the competition and had their own dogs evaluated by experts on the results of their training.






犬との札幌での生活! 犬好き、北海道大好きの私が、この両方を手にした生活です。



山野 幸子

Because of the sudden decision to relocate to Sapporo, I did not have enough time to inform my relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances. Rather than myself, I also discovered that many of my friends were more concerned about my dogs due to the relocation.

When I started informing about my move to Sapporo, the question was almost always, “What about the dogs?”

When I started living in Sapporo, I received calls asking, “Are they (the dogs) doing well?” Some friends came to visit me from a long distance to check on my dogs and took care of them.

I could no longer deny that my human relationships are largely built and nurtured together with my dogs.

Living with three dogs in Sapporo! This is about my life as a dog lover and a big fan of Hokkaido.

   May 2002 

in Sapporo

Sachiko Yamano


From left to right, Taro, Marin, me and Patch. Photo taken by Ms. Keiko Kuwabara who visited us from Tokyo.



再び札幌で暮らして      犬の一家と住む











ところで、私の犬の名前は、父犬・母犬・息子の順に、マリン・パッチ・タロと言う。マリンは茶白でブルーの目のハスキー犬。パッチは中型日本犬で、かつて犬といえば好まれて最も普及していた黒葛で四ツ目と言われた(目の上に白い星がある)タイプ。タロはそのマリンとパッチのミックス犬。 お腹を含む胴体の下の半分が白いところ、片方の目が青いところはハスキーから受け継いで外見はほぼハスキーだが、どことなく和風である。ある日散歩の途中で、タロを不思議そうな顔をして見ていた人が「この犬はハスキーですか?」と聞いたので、ふとタロを表すよい答えが浮かび「ニホンハスキーです」と言った。その人は「あぁ、そうですか」と、わかったようにうなずかれたことがあった。






















































北海道犬 ー アイヌ犬









北海道に住むと、衣類やシャンプーや化粧品などの日用品がスウェーデン、デンマーク、ドイツ、カナダ、米国オレゴン州などから、東京や関東圏とは別のトレードで普及している。私は夏休み中にスウェーデンのイエテボリ Göteborgの近郊で、災害救助犬の研修に参加したことがあった(注Ⅰ)。10日間ぐらいイエテボリに滞在したが、その気候と生活スタイル、街の雰囲気が北海道にとても似ていて、北海道犬にも適応しやすいところだと強く印象に残った。北海道は欧米との交流がもともと長く、関係も深い。日本の犬が海外と交流するのは、秋田犬関係者が先陣を切って尽力して来られたが、少しずつ、現在の規制や障壁を乗り越えて、北海道犬も世界の愛犬家に知ってもらいたい。

注Ⅰ 写真は、国際救助犬連盟(IRO)及びスウェーデン・ワーキングドッグ・アソシエーション(SBK)、スウェーデン・ケネルクラブ(SKC)主催で、スウェーデンのイエテボリ(Göteborg) 近郊のハランド(Halland)で2003年に開催された災害救助犬大会での見学・研修会。犬種や純潔種等は問わない。競技会に参加して、自分の飼い犬を訓練の成果を専門家に評価してもらう参加者が大半だった。
























Living in Sapporo Again       With a family of dogs


In 1998 and 2000, my parents who had lived with me passed away one after another. For the next year and a half, I lived in our house in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, with my three remaining dogs and I commuted to work in Tokyo. At the end of September 2001, I was transferred to Sapporo, where I had spent three years of junior high school in the mid 1960’s.

When I heard about the transfer, I immediately informed my two brothers and their respective families. Although Sapporo is a place I fondly remembered and loved, it would be the first time for me to move and live alone. My brothers were excited and very supportive of the idea. Each of them had fond memories of Sapporo. They also shared the same sentiment, “For our family, Sapporo is the place where we had the most fun and happiest memories.”

A junior high school classmate of mine, Takenaga-san who lived in Fukui, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, informed me that she found a house for rent in front of where she lived. She also got the owner’s consent to allow my three dogs to live in the flat. As such, I decided to rent the house right away. At that time, generally speaking, many Japanese families kept medium or large-sized dogs at home rather than small indoor dogs which we see more commonly these days. Relocating with a dog is considered a private matter, so support from the society and the workplace could not be expected. However nowadays, within the respective rules of company and workplace transfers, there might be flexible approaches. Dogs are now recognized as regular members of the family. At that time however, employees had to live in an apartment or housing complex to receive housing allowance from the company, but very few housing complexes allowed dogs. In the case of private residence where dogs had more freedom, it was left to the individual’s decision, without the support of the individual’s company. Although it was the norm, many workers were on their own to find a home and were responsible for their expenses. I was optimistic that I would be able to find a place to live in Sapporo without any problems. I later found out that one of the reasons for this was that in Sapporo, keeping dogs, both large and small, inside the house was more prevalent than in the Kanto area. If three big dogs were to move in however, even in Sapporo, owners would generally choose to wait for other tenants.

I cannot express how much Takenaga-san helped me because she found and negotiated on behalf of me before I was assigned to the new location. When I arrived at the Fukui house on the first day of moving, Takenaga and her family came to help me move. Their warm welcome relieved and cheered me up. For the next two years and eight months, the Takenaga family across the street was dependable for me like a family.

The Takenaga family loved their Labrador retriever, Haru, as if she were their youngest child.

My dogs were an 11-year-old husky, a 4-year-old Japanese dog (a mix of Hokkaido and Shiba dog), and their 3-year-old son. From Haneda to Sapporo, the dogs boarded the same plane as me, but I was told that depending on size of dogs, they will be treated as either baggage or cargo. However, in the end, the only difference was the check-in area and the fare for the dogs. I found out that no matter which method is selected, the dogs will be seated in the cargo section. Nevertheless, I was a little relieved to actually see that my dogs were nicely mannered and taken good care by staff.


Fukui Greenbelt, Nishi Ward, Sapporo

The house I moved into was a four-bedroom house with a garden and in the garden, I prepared three 1.5-mat average-sized kennels. Until now, I had never built kennels exclusively for these dogs. Despite of the owner’s kind words, allowing my dogs to live without kennels, I hesitated to leave the three dogs inside the rented house all day long.

I commuted by car from my house in Fukui, Nishi Ward to the office on Hondori Street in Shiroishi Ward via Miyanomori and Maruyama. The neighborhood where I used to live along Kita 1 street had miraculously remained unchanged in the midst of Sapporo, which had been transformed drastically over the past 40 years. For a while in the beginning, whenever I passed by the house my family used to live on Kita 1 street, I would greet my parents and aunt in the morning, saying “I’m off to work”. On the way home, I thanked them for our safety (me &dogs) today. I chose streets with good views both in the morning and at night and enjoyed the charms of Sapporo in autumn.

My dogs’ names are Marin, Patch, and Taro, in the order of father, mother, and their son. Marin was a brown-white, blue-eyed husky dog. Patch was a medium-sized Japanese dog, a type of black and partial brown with white stars above the eyes, which used to be the most popular type of dog. Taro’s lower half of his body including his belly was white. He was bi eyed with one blue eye and brown for the other. As such, his coat and eyes seem to have been inherited from a Husky. Yet, although it is hard to describe in words, in some ways, he presented Japanese style (Wa-fu). One day on a walk, a stranger looked at Taro with a curious look on his face and asked, “Is this dog a husky?” I suddenly thought of a good answer to describe Taro and said, “He is a Japanese Husky.” The person nodded and said, “Oh, I see.”

Near our house, was the entrance to the Sapporo Fukui Greenbelt (park). As the name suggests, Fukui area in Sapporo was developed by immigrants mostly from Fukui Prefecture around 1880 of Meiji era. Hassamu river runs along the Fukui Greenbelt. A long walk along the riverbank reveals a deep mountain range of trees. Surrounded by mountains with autumn leaves in the evening, I walked with my dogs. It was a pity to return just after a 30-minute walk with the dogs and as such, on holidays, I used to walk for two hours one way, forgetting that there was another two hours waiting on our way back.


Along the Hassamu River

It had been almost six months since September, when I started living in Sapporo. Around that time, “incidents” happened one after another along the Hassamu River near our house. I could say that I have a strong attachment to the Hassamu River than others, which is full of memories.

(1) Patch has drowned!

In October, the day after it rained, the river rose. I knew I shouldn’t have done that, but after making sure there was no one around, I released Patch’s harness.


(3)Taro, staring at ducks

In early winter, ducks came to the Hassamu River. During the daytime, when I was fascinated by the flock of 20 to 30 ducks, my dogs also became curious that they leaned over the bridge to see the ducks.

As I walked around the river close to midnight, I felt the urge to let go of Taro’s leash in the empty square. Taro always had a leash on since he was an adult dog. I felt safe as I knew that Taro would come right back to me when I call him. When I let go of Taro and Patch, both acted differently from usual and ran away in a blink of an eye. Under the moonlight, I saw Taro staring at the ducks on a stone at the edge of the river. He looked as if he was about to jump into the river and catch the ducks. Even if Taro had successfully caught a duck and brought it back, I would have been in trouble. Also, if he had jumped into the river and have a heart attack, it would have been an emergency. I swore while in a great hurry that I would never release the dogs from now on, and loudly called out Patch and Taro’s names.

After a while, Patch came back out of nowhere. She had fallen into the river once and had a scary experience, so it seemed she had been watching from a distance. Eventually, Taro came back, his eyes shining and his breath puffing. He seemed to have given up going after the ducks, but still looked quite satisfied. After this incident, I truly stopped releasing the dogs’ leash.


(4)A Bicycle Pulled by Three dogs

A bike path extends along the Hassamu River, alongside the pedestrian pathway. I rode my bicycle with Marin and Patch on the left and Taro on the right. Marin and Taro fought to take the lead, and Patch followed without losing a breath. Accordingly, I had been pulled by them together with the entire bike.

The bike path and the road ahead were wide open, but to the people on the pedestrian pathway beside me were surprised saying, “What the heck was that?!” For those people, we passed by at an alarmingly high speed. I felt as if I was getting some recognition and felt satisfied when someone watching us asked if we would enter a dog sled race. Undoubtedly, Marin and Taro’s forceful sprint was approved. This was the time when dog sled races were just beginning to attract attention in various parts of Hokkaido, starting with Wakkanai; a city in Northern Hokkaido. The person kindly showed me where I should run with my dogs with promising potentials. Now as I reflect back, it is a miracle that I was not seriously injured on the cycling road where I was riding my bicycle with three dogs pulling me along.


Winter Roads in Sapporo

Before winter set in, people in my neighborhood and workplace kindly warned me about the dangers of slipping on Sapporo’s snowy and icy roads. I was well aware that it is easy to fall down on the streets of Sapporo in winter. I quickly acquired shoes lined with anti-slip material and purchased several pairs of latest boots with claws (metal fittings). I had to try them out to see which ones would actually work well.

However, before the preparations of these snow-proof shoes could be completed, I fell and hurt the back of my head; the MRI results showed “no abnormalities in my head,” but the experience was so horrific that I could have had a concussion or intracerebral hemorrhage at that point in time. I also inadvertently broke one of my toes in the middle of winter and spent an entire month in a cast.

The roads and sidewalks in Sapporo are so polished and shiny that it is like walking on slippery ice. The slipperiness is far beyond what one would imagine in Tokyo or mainland. In Sapporo, it is explained that studless tires are the cause and that snowplows polish the roads in the middle of the night. I have also heard the theory that Sapporo’s temperatures create just the right amount of slippery road surfaces. It is said that unlike large cities in the world with a population of around 1.8 million, Sapporo has an outstanding amount of snowfall. The probability of accidents involving falls is proportional to the size of the population.

I wondered how people could live through the winter in such dangerous conditions. According to newspaper columns, the citizens of Sapporo do not think that the situation should be left as is, and the most common opinion is that “the city government should do something about it” followed by, “each citizen should cooperate with the government through volunteer activity.” Every year, newspapers re-raise this issue and sometimes conduct surveys. Citizens seem to be loosely united under the assumption that either the “government” or “volunteers” will one day solve the problem. In fact, however, the real story we hear on a daily basis is that “it can’t be helped because we are dealing with Mother Nature” and that is why winter is something to be bear with in silence instead of facing. If this is the reality, I sincerely agree with.


Snow shoveling

In Hokkaido, snow shoveling is called “Yuki-hane” (snow shovel). In preparation for winter, I quickly bought snow removal equipment, including two types of huge deep-bottomed shovels that I call, “mama-san dump trucks,” a sturdy broom to remove sticky snow, a brush for removing snow from cars, and a square shovel.

A friend of mine who is a housewife is somewhat displeased with the naming, “mama-san dump” because housewives are supposed to do this heavy lifting too. Even if she finishes shoveling the snow that’s in front of her house before her family leaves for work, she still has to remove the snow that has accumulated during the day by the time of their return. Especially in Hokkaido, where many people commute by car, the home front of people’s houses must be kept flat. I lived in Nishi Ward, Fukui, which is near the mountains and has a lot of snowfall, even for Sapporo. I tried to shovel the snow around my house, but it took a whole day to make it passable for one person.

Despite the fall-prone roads and sidewalks, and the hard work of snow shoveling, everyone seems to be living through the winter without complaints. At first, I was puzzled as to why the private sectors did not try to profit by providing fall prevention measures, non-slip paths, and affordable snow shoveling services. Most agreed that they would not want to do snow shoveling even if it was paid, and they should be thankful that they could find someone willing to come for money. In time, this kind of talk becomes insignificant, and the mentality of “If you don’t get through this many winters, you won’t be a true Hokkaido person!” settles in when living here.


Dogs’ frostbite

The haiku, “Starlit sky, the master’s dog accompanying along, have got frostbite on its paws” was submitted to JKC members magazine “Kateiken” by Ms. Yamada, who took care of my dogs while I was on a business trip to Obihiro and won a special prize. It was accompanied by a review from the haiku’s critic. “For the owner and his/her dog, who had lived in a warm place and moved to Hokkaido, the winter cold must have been extreme. Under the clear starlit sky, the dog, who is his/her friend, gets frostbite on its “bare feet”…..” There’s a hint of humor in it.

The side of our house was a snow accumulation area, so the snowplow trucks were unloading snow toward the fence of our house. Eventually, a large pile of snow would rise over the fence of our house. Marin would sit on top of the pile and watch the people and dogs on the street with a look of curiosity, and sometimes would show off his charm and be adored by them. Eventually, the soles of his feet (pads) began to crack, as if they were chapped.

It looked painful, so we raised the fence twice as high as the snow-covered fence to keep Marin out of the snowy mountains, and put up a tall plywood fence like the ones used to put up election posters. We forced Marin, who loves to be outside on the snow, to come inside the house.

Soon, a stunningly beautiful mix of pink and beige hairs grew from the soles of all of Marin’s feet in bunches to cover the pads. They would be useful as non-slip pads when walking on snow-covered paths. Amazing! I sincerely admired this physiological change. Taro and Patch had spewed out similar tufts of fur, but nothing could compare to the genes of this 12-year-old husky.

While I was raking up my coats, preparing my shoes, and many other things, he was quietly putting on his own fur and the winter gear he had stored away. I was deeply moved by the dog and his providence as he spent the winter in Hokkaido for the first time.


Every single movement and behavior

The kennel in the yard, which we had built back in fall, was completely buried under the snow. Marin, who wanted to stay outside, and all the dogs ended up spending the winter inside the house.

It must have been tiring for the dogs to be confined inside the house all winter. In addition, I was not able to walk the dogs because I had to wear a cast for a month because of a broken toe. Seeing the limitations of my dogs that had not been exercised for a month, I put on boots with spikes and walked the dogs on snow-covered paths twice. When I returned from work, I would walk every night around 9:00 p.m. It would take me two hours to finish the entire walk. But rather than feeling exhausted, it felt fantastic to walk through the dancing snow, and I enjoyed the luxury of walking in an empty silver world.

By the way, Mr. Michio Yasuda, the president of “Sapporo Club” as well as a chief public prosecutor and a lawyer, once told me that when he lived with his dog at his new post before his marriage, his dog always followed him everywhere even to the bathroom, so he had no choice but to take a bath with him by his side where the dog could see him. Now, I was in the same exact situation. When I come home, I have three dogs with six eyes tracking me at all times. Those of you who have lived with dogs know that they are very observant of their owners such as, what owners wear, do, or even hold. There have been times when I didn’t want to return home straight away because I was pressured by those staring eyes. I felt as if I came home to a house where a family of dogs lived, and I often lost in a three-on-one fight for the control of power.

Now that I am barely in control, I have gotten into the habit of saying “good night” when I couldn’t go outside, such as when it was late when I arrived home from work, and then my dogs would give up, knowing that the walk is not going to happen today. I said, “I can’t walk around outside with you guys for two hours every night, if you consider other things that I do to take care of you guys. Also, humans have to read. I have to read a book.” And I pulled out my favorite book, written by Ayako Miura, which I have been reading avidly since I came to Hokkaido, and also which the dogs have been using as a base of their body. Despite of saying this, I would then want to walk the dogs again at night, thinking that the dogs never ask me for anything else, such as “I want to go to school” or “I want a new toy.” I felt a little sorry for them in such nights.


Hokkaido dog (Ainu dog)

My family has had a Hokkaido dog as a member of our family for a long time, and even till this day I remain very interested in Hokkaido dogs. Although I no longer keep Hokkaido dogs, I have always wanted to cooperate with the Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society (Do Ken Po) in any way I could. Soon after transferring to Sapporo, I learned that Do Ken Po was holding an exhibition at Yurigahara Park. So, I drove alone to the venue, with my car that wasn’t equipped with a navigation system which was normal back in the days, along roads I had never traveled before. Since the day before the event, I looked forward to seeing what the current Hokkaido dogs’ faces and physiques look like and recalled the eyes and behaviors of the dogs I have known. It was the same whether I lived in Tokyo or Hokkaido that I would go to tracing competitions and exhibitions held not only in Sapporo, but also in Obihiro and other areas in Tokachi on weekends.

There are many Hokkaido dog clubs today, but as far as I know, the aforementioned “Do Ken Po”, is the only incorporated association of dog lovers who have been active in the preservation of Hokkaido dogs since the 1930s. Another organization is the Hokkaido dog Kyokai (Hokkaido dog Association). The Hokkaido dog Kyokai is an organization that split off from Do Ken Po, and the reason for becoming independent from Do Ken Po was because there was a dispute over whether hunting qualities of Hokkaido dogs should be subjected to evaluation. Do Ken Po’s argument seemed to be that the hunting characteristics of Hokkaido dogs, which was originally an indispensable aspect for bear hunting, should be preserved along with the dog’s standard body shape. Whereas the Hokkaido Dog Kyokai insisted that hunting characteristics need not be sought in modern city-dwelling pets. I believe that for those already involved with Hokkaido dogs today, the history and disputes from the past are irrelevant. It is my hope that Hokkaido dog lovers will be able to interact as one.

Do Ken Po’s role in preserving Hokkaido dog

The Agency for Cultural Affairs has authorized one organization for each breed of dog. Natural treasures “are objects designated by law to protect them from extinction,” and about 1,000 plants, animals, and minerals have been designated as such. Therefore, the selected group has the role of not only loving dogs, but also maintaining the breed’s ideal form, characteristics, and abilities, as well as evolving them to be accepted by human society as time goes by. Since the Do Ken Po serves more than just a gathering of dog lovers, it requires a considerable amount of money, which is difficult to collect with just membership fee and a miniscule subsidy from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and one can imagine that there are many financial difficulties.

When the Japanese dog preservation society receives a puppy, the organization pays according to the market price and regulations of the time. With the exception of puppies with particularly outstanding pedigree or awards, the amount is said to be lower than the market price for Western dogs. And in the times I know of, it was a modest amount of money of 5,000 yen/pup around the 1970’s. This tendency of breeding Japanese dogs to earn income through buying and selling, was not often referred to as “doing business with dogs”. The reason for this is that the preservation societies for Japanese dogs have always been composed of people who kept dogs for their love and personal interest rather than profession.

Exhibitions were also valuable as a forum for experienced members to share their successes and mistakes, as it was not the time, as it is today, when people could regularly take their dogs to the veterinarian and gain the knowledge and advice they needed.

On the other hand, the organization which represents pedigreed Western dogs was founded from the commercial perspective. For instance, dog breeders, dog sales, dog handlers at exhibitions, trimming, and various qualification examinations, and its establishments were taken into consideration. Thus, while Japanese dogs were under the jurisdiction of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Western dogs were under the jurisdiction of the Small Animals Section of the Livestock Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MoAFF). Although the Western dog group was established primarily with the economic activities of the traders in mind, but as time has passed, it has made extraordinary efforts to reform itself to consider general home dog lovers.

Back to the Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society (DoKenPo), for those striving to create, maintain and develop good Hokkaido dogs, number of volunteers and amount of self-pay were limited. They are struggling to find ways to improve their financial situation so that they can continue to produce good dogs and pass them on to dog lovers. This is because while paying and receiving the necessary fees, people do not maintain transparency in their income and expenditures. I hope that wonderful dogs raised in good environments will be loved as family members in Japan and, in the near future, in Northern Europe, and the United States, where the climate and lifestyle are said to be similar in many respects to those of Hokkaido.

Living in Hokkaido, daily necessities such as clothing, shampoo, and cosmetics are spread from Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Canada, and Oregon USA, in a different trade than in Tokyo and the Kanto area. I had participated in a training program for disaster rescue dogs in Gothenburg, Sweden, during my summer vacation. I stayed in Gothenburg (Göteborg) for a week and was impressed by its climate, lifestyle, and city atmosphere, which is very similar to Hokkaido, and a comfortable place for Hokkaido dogs to live (note 1). Hokkaido has always had a long history of exchange with Europe and the United States and has had a close relationship with them. Akita dog lovers were the first to make efforts for Japanese dogs to interact with foreign countries, but little by little, we would like to overcome the current rules and barriers so that Hokkaido dogs can also be known to dog lovers all over the world.

note 1:  Photos below show a visit and training session at the Disaster Rescue Dog Congress held in Halland near Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden. It was organized by the International Rescue Dog Federation (IRO), the Swedish Working Dog Association (SBK), and the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC) in 2003. Regardless of breed, purebred, and etc., the majority of participants in the competition and had their own dogs evaluated by experts on the results of their training.


in Halland, Sweden, 2003








