初めての北海道犬 Hokkaido dog for the first time (JPN/ENG)

with Ichiro and my aunt in Sapporo ,最初の 伊智狼 と叔母と札幌で。1961

東京から札幌へー From TOKYO to SAPPORO, HOKKAIDO(1960-1964年)

The first Hokkaido dog was given to us by Mr. Nakano from 厚真町(Atsuma Town), Hokkaido. Shortly after moving to Sapporo, my parents, who were dog lovers, heard about Hokkaido dogs, and set up the adoption process. Atsuma is a town near Hidaka, about 80 kilometers south of Sapporo. Iwamizawa (north of Sapporo), Chitose (south of Sapporo), Atsuma, and Hidaka have produced wonderful Hokkaido dogs with their own unique characteristics for generations. My aunt and I picked up the puppy at Mr. Nakano’s house. In front of Mr. Nakano’s house, Atsuo( 厚王), the father dog of the puppy, was lying calmly. It was the first Hokkaido dog I met. As a junior high school student, I was fascinated by Atsuo. Atsuo’s whole body was mostly covered with white coat, and I remember that the edges of his ears had a very light brown color. Atsuo was neither welcoming nor unfriendly to us, visitors from Sapporo. A white puppy was by Atsuo and it stopped moving when we visited as if he knew something was different. This puppy was Ichiro.


Mr. Nakano had a hobby of raising Hokkaido dogs, and thought that the puppy would be the successor of Atsuo one day, who was already 10 years old at the time we visited the Nakano kennel, and had already named the cute 62 day-old puppy Ichiro. It seemed Mr. Nakano was reluctant to give away Ichiro. He seemed lonely and didn’t say much. I wanted to take the cute puppy home with us as soon as I could, but now that I look back, I feel I didn’t quite understand Mr. Nakano’s feelings.


My parents, aunt, my two younger brothers and I called Ichiro as George, which was the name we used to call the dog we kept before. We intended to make Ichiro do a lot of exercise (walking), but he died of illness immediately before he was one year old. We didn’t know what the cause was. Ichiro wasn’t our first dog, but we can only say that we didn’t have the knowledge or experience to keep a dog. The whole family was sad and cried when they saw the picture of Ichiro taken together at the Sapporo Snow Festival at Odori Park. My parents undoubtedly informed Mr. Nakano about Ichiro with a heartfelt apology, although I couldn’t apologize to him in person.

札幌雪祭り 1961年 ; 市民の手作りだった雪像

Sapporo snow festival 1961年 ; snow statues built by citizens of Sapporo

最初の伊智狼と With first Iciro from Atsuma(厚真),札幌大通公園で。左は叔母、後ろは中学生の筆者、from left, my aunt Tomie, the 1st Ichiro and me in junior high 1961年




左は母、右は叔母。雪祭りの札幌大通り公園で。1961年。left is my mother, right is aunt at snow festival, Sapporo Odori park .


天然記念物北海道犬保存会(道犬保 ー DoKenPo)


Half a year later, while we were still overcoming the sadness, a white Hokkaido dog, 54-day old, arrived at my house. I think someone learned that my family had a Hokkaido dog pass away. We registered the name as Ichiro on the pedigree, same name as the Ichiro before. We also called him George. This time we were very careful so that the puppy wouldn’t have the same fate as the previous one. We listened to people who had knowledge and experience on how to keep Hokkaido dogs.


私は中学生だったので、村山会長とは直接お話を聞く機会はなかったが、両親と叔母の話から村山会長のお名前を頻繁に聞いた。同時に両親と叔母は、札幌にいた3年間、北海道大学の犬飼哲夫教授と元北海タイムス(現・北海道新聞)の記者で北海道犬保存会の伝法貫一氏とも親交があった。 犬飼先生と伝法さんは、伊智狼が家に来て間もなく、現在の札幌市中央区北1条通り(札樽国道と呼んでいた)沿いにあった我が家に立ち寄ってくださった。犬飼先生は、とりわけヒグマの研究で著名だった。ヒグマとアイヌの熊猟にアイヌ犬(注;北海道では、北海道犬はアイヌ犬と呼ばれてきた)が活躍してきたことから、北海道犬保存会も犬飼先生にご教示いただいていた。ヒグマというのは、日本では北海道にしかいない熊で、熊猟の写真や、また後に北大博物館で剥製を見たときには、その大きさには驚いた。2メートルを悠に超え、本州のツキノワグマとはスケールが違った。ただ私にとっては、犬も熊も同じ動物であり、かつて北海道では熊猟が、人間の生活を守るために必要だったとはいえ、狩猟そのものにはネガティブな関心を持った。しかし北海道犬は、熊猟に使えるかどうかが、大変重要な評価のポイントであることは理解できた。

従って、北海道犬としての総合的評価は、展覧会での容姿(体型、歩様、気質など)とともに、獣猟競技での狩猟本能(臭覚による追跡、熊に対面したときの態度など)があるかの成績も加味された。 北海道犬は次第に狩猟目的ではなく、家庭のペット 、すなわち 家族の一員として、飼育されるようになっていく。この時代の変化とともに北海道犬に、かつての狩猟性は求めないと考える人たちは、狩猟競技を行わない北海道犬協会という別の北海道犬愛好団体を設立して、北海道犬保存会(道犬保)を離れた。長い間、北海道犬の保存という点では、この2つの協会が主流であった。どちらの会も展覧会を実施して、よい犬を残していくという保存は重要であり、それは営利目的を優先することなく、北海道犬に魅せられた愛犬家たちの熱意によって支えられている。特に道犬保は、展覧会と獣猟競技の双方を実行し、北海道犬の保存に尽力してきたが、時代の推移とともに、会員の減少と財政難の危機は解決がなかなか困難であるようだ。国の認可を受けた法人への補助は多少あるとしても、会員と 限られた専門家集団が原則、ボランィテアで、北海道犬保存のために、系統別に「名犬」の子孫を繁殖してきた。その尽力には頭が下がる。




1歳の伊智狼@札幌 大通り公園 Photo of Ichiro at the age of 1, taken by my brother Takeyoshi Yamano @  Oodori park, Sapporo


The Ainu dog was designated as Japan’s natural treasure in 1937, and at the same time, it was re-named as Hokkaido dog, using the name of the dog’s production area. The Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society was established in 1951, and Mr. Yutaka Murayama (1902-1977) was the chairman. Chairman Murayama graduated from the Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture at Hokkaido University. He was also an authority on horses and was active throughout Japan, including Hokkaido, Akita, and Kagoshima, as the director of the breeding horse (breeding farm) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

When I was a junior high school student, I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to Chairman Murayama, but I often heard his name from the stories of my parents and aunt. At the same time, my family had a connection with Professor Tetsuo Inukai of Hokkaido University and Mr. Kanichi Denpo, former journalist of the Hokkai Times (currently Hokkaido Shimbun), and member of the Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society. Shortly after Ichiro came to our house, Dr. Inukai and Denpo-san stopped by our house on North 1-jyo, West 15-chome, Sapporo City. Dr. Inukai was particularly well-known as a Brown bear scholar. Since Ainu dogs (note: In Hokkaido, Hokkaido dog had been called Ainu dog) had been hunting partners for Brown bear hunting, the Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society received lectures from Dr. Inukai. In Japan, brown bears are only found in Hokkaido. I was surprised at its huge size when I saw pictures of bear hunting and later stuffed animals at the Hokkaido University Museum. It was well over 2 meters, and the scale was different from that of the black bear in Honshu. However, for me, dogs and bears are the same animals, and although bear hunting was once necessary to protect human life in Hokkaido, hunting itself had a rather negative impression. Yet, I understand that whether Hokkaido dogs can be used for bear hunting is a very important point of evaluation.

Therefore, the overall evaluation to be considered as a Hokkaido dog includes the appearance at the exhibition (body shape, walking style, temperament, etc.) as well as its hunting instinct in the field trials (tracking by odor, attitude when facing a bear, etc.). These results were also taken into consideration. Hokkaido dogs are gradually being bred not for hunting purposes, but as domestic pets, that is, as members of the family. With these changes, those who think that Hokkaido dogs do not need to hunt established another Hokkaido dog lovers group called the Hokkaido Dog Association, which does not hold hunting competitions, and left the Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society (DoKenPo ). Even now, these two associations are the mainstream in terms of preserving Hokkaido dogs. It is important for both parties to hold exhibitions and preserve good dogs, which are supported by the enthusiasm of dog lovers who are fascinated by Hokkaido dogs, not for commercial purposes. In particular, DoKenPo has held both exhibitions and field trials and has made efforts to preserve Hokkaido dogs, but the decline in membership and the crisis of financial difficulties seem hard to resolve. A selected group of specialists have bred the offspring of “reputable dogs” by faction to preserve Hokkaido dogs with some income. I humbly respect their efforts. On the other hand, since the latter half of the 1960s, the number of dog lovers who raise Hokkaido dogs as a family member has increased not only in the Hokkaido area, but throughout the country. It was necessary to have experts on Hokkaido dogs and dog lovers to interact with each other, sharing experience and knowledge, and a branch was created outside Hokkaido.

Ichiro made an appearance at an exhibition. The exhibition was held during the Sapporo Snow Festival, which was the first exhibition for Ichiro to attend and he received the first prize. My family and I were overjoyed.

One day, Mr. Kaizo Hayashi, who is known and reputable for his contributions to preserve Hokkaido dogs, taught us with his son how to take good dog photos at an exhibition. He said we should take a picture of the entire head and body from a slight angle so that all four legs of the dog can be seen. I learned that it was essential to convey dogs not only with written descriptions, but also with photographs and videos. At that time, my younger brother Takeyoshi, who was a junior high school student, took great photos of Ichiro while we were being taught. In our family, we have always treasured the photo taken by my younger brother.

DoKenPo was also a valuable place to exchange information, experience and knowledge, including stories of failures and bragging rights. When Ichiro appeared not only in the exhibition, but also in the beast hunting competition, he always won awards and was asked to become a bear hunting dog. I was not in favor of having Ichiro become a professional hunting dog. My aunt who loved and took care of Ichiro the most was very honored and overjoyed, despite knowing that it was impossible to let Ichiro go through hard training for hunting. I shared the same feeling.

道犬保 の柿崎先生と土屋先生は学校の教師をしておられたと記憶しているが、北海道の歴史に詳しく趣味が北海道犬だった。両氏はじめ会員の方々が伊智狼は、小山田さんのジロにとても似ていると言われたので、すでに展覧会でも獣猟競技でも名犬と言われていたジロを、小山田さんのお宅まで見に行った。伊智狼はジロのひ孫だった。私たちは5~6人でジロに会いにいって、犬舎の前で上からのぞき込むようにジロについて話をしている間、ジロは最初はちらりと私たちを見たが、あとは目をつぶり、時おり耳を動かし聞き耳をたてて、寝ていた。私は犬の狸寝入りを初めて見た。自分を見に来る訪問者に、うんざりしていたのかもしれない。私は厚真の中野さんのお宅の厚王を思い出した。厚王も歓迎も不快も示さず無言だった。ジロは毛並が淡赤(白に背や頭部などに一部にベージュが入っている)ではなく体全体が真っ白だった。その上、鼻は漆黒で爪も黒かった。それらは色素が後退していない証拠で、大変称賛されていた。
Visiting the Oyamadas and Giro

Mr. Kakizaki and Mr. Tsuchiya of Do Ken Po were schoolteachers who were familiar with the history of Hokkaido and had a common hobby which was Hokkaido dogs. Mr. Kakizaki, Mr.Tsuchiya and others said that Ichiro resembles Mr. Oyamada’s Hokkido dog, Giro, who was already a famous dog in both exhibitions and field trials. So, I went to see Giro with 5 or 6 people to Oyamada’s house. For Giro, Ichiro was his great-grandson. While we were talking about Giro in front of the kennel, looking into him from above, Giro glanced at us at first, but then he looked away. Giro closed his eyes as if he was sleeping, moving his ears from time to time. Perhaps he was fed up with the visitors who came to see him. Giro’s behavior reminded me of Nakano-san’s dog Atsuo who was the first Ichiro’s father. Atsuo was silent without showing any sign of welcome or discomfort when we visited Nakano’s house in Atsuma when we picked up his puppy. Giro’s coat was pure white. Besides, his nose was pitch black and his nails were as well. These characteristics were highly praised for evidence that the pigment had not receded.

私たちは、札幌市北一条通りに面した、知事公館という一角に住んでいた。北一条通りは、北原白秋作詩、山田耕筰作曲の「この道」で歌われている。「この道はいつか来た道 ああ そうだよ アカシアの花が咲いている。 あの丘はいつか見た丘 ああそうだよ ほら 白い時計台だよ」。1960年代のことで、現在の知事公館の様相とは異なっていた。北一条通りを背にして、左から町村金五知事、そのお隣が中島賢蔵副知事の公舎で、一番右端の公舎に、私たちは住んでいた。町村知事のお家には、テルという赤色(茶)の北海道犬がいた。





Kita Ichijo Street

In the 1960s, the layout was different from now at the Chiji Kokan. With Kita Ichijo Dori in the back, from the left we could see Governor Machimura Kingo’s residence. Next to the Machimuras lived Vice Governor Nakajima Kenzo, and we lived on the far right.

At Governor Machimura’s house, there was a reddish-brown Hokkaido dog called “Teru”. He lived alone in a kennel and often looked out from it, so there were times when he looked lonely. Teru was especially cared by dog ​​lovers Mr. Abe and Mr. Sato who were staff at the public residence.

There was also a Border collie called Rex which was kept and loved by our neighbor the Akanumas. After meeting Alex for the first time, I learned that there are sheep dogs called Border collie. Rex was often impressed with the toughness and intelligence of a Border Collie. “Western dogs are dogs made by humans for humans. That’s why it’s convenient and clever from a human point of view” I heard from DoKenPo. In the neighborhood, “Rex is an intellectual dog” was a reputation.

It seems Chiji Kokan gradually changed according to the times. However, what remains unchanged is the memorial monument when General Nogi Maresuke stayed Hokkaido near the entrance of the Governor’s Office. The monument is written by General Nogi as “富国在農,” which translates “There exists farming in rich country”.

In June 1963, my father was transferred to Tokyo from work at the Hokkaido Government Office and we returned to his former home in Zoshigaya 2-chome. My junior high school was called Hokkaido Gakugei University (now Hokkaido University of Education). I attended from the time I entered until I graduated. I was able to spend junior high school in Sapporo, surrounded by great teachers and friends. Even till this day, my teachers and friends from junior high school and I have kept in touch and remain close and good friends.



札幌での伊智狼 1964年


札幌から東京へ(1964-1972): 道犬保関東支部

北海道犬保存会(道犬保)の関東支部の会員は、東京都内だけでなく、関東の神奈川、埼玉、千葉、茨城など広域に会員がいた。東京と言っても、住んでいた雑司ヶ谷は、日本女子大や鬼子母神様の近くで、まだのどかな都会だった。3年後に家族で青山一丁目に引っ越したが、青山も時代の先端ファッションで新興し始めたころだった。道犬保関東支部長の板井一雄さんは、岩見沢系の北海道犬、王虎を大変かわいがり、誇りに思っておられた。王虎を見ると、最初の伊智狼が岩見沢系だったことがよくわかる。大型で頭部から腹部の白毛は、千歳系とはあからかに異なる特徴があった。現在、北海道犬に岩見沢系をほとんど見ないのは寂しい。歴史を遡ると、千歳系が日本の本州からの人と犬の往来に伴われたとされる一方、岩見沢系は、北方の人と犬の往来に伴われた特徴があるとされている。北海道犬は犬種のルーツを区分する遺伝子調査とその論文(1991年 岐阜大学/麻布大学 田名部雄一教授)で、琉球犬と最も近い南方犬を祖に持つとカテゴリに区分され証明されているが、この調査対象の北海道犬に、岩見沢系は含まれていない可能性が高い。北方のアラスカン・マラミュート、ハスキー、サモエドなどから溯った北方系の犬からの影響を受けた遺伝子区分になるという仮説のまま、証明されないうちに、このまま姿を消してしまう恐れがある。それでは、アイヌ文化だけではなく、北方や海を隔てた地域との多文化が往来した北海道の文化の豊かさを証明する機会を失うことになってしまうと、私は残念に思ってきた。



From Tokyo to Sapporo, Hokkaido(1964-1972): Kanto branch of Dokenpo

The members of the Kanto branch of the Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society (Dokenpo) were not only in Tokyo, but also in a wide area such as Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, and Ibaraki in the Kanto region. Even though it was Tokyo, Zoshigaya, where we lived, was a peaceful town near the Japan Women’s University and the Kishibojin(shrine). Mr. Kazuo Itai, the branch manager of the Kanto branch of Dokenpo, loved his dog, Ohko and was proud of him. Ohko was an Iwamizawa type of Hokkaido dog. When I looked at Ohko I could tell that the first Ichiro was of the Iwamizawa pedigree . The large white coat from the head to the abdomen had distinctly different characteristics from the Chitose pedigree. Currently, it is sad to see almost no Iwamizawa dogs in Hokkaido dogs. The Chitose pedigree is said to have been accompanied by moving of people and dogs from Honshu, Japan, while the Iwamizawa pedegree is said to be a characteristic of moving people and dogs from the north. Chitose Hokkaido dogs have been proven by genetic research, but I have not heard that Iwamizawa dogs have. There is a risk that Iwamizawa dogs will extinct before the hypothesis is proven that they share the same genetic division as Alaskan Malamute, Husky, Samoyed, etc. which are originally form the north.

Mr. Itai, branch manager of the Kanto branch of Dokenpo and the owner of Ohko, had a lot of hobbies. One of his hobbies was western archery and he made efforts in popularizing archery in Japan and even published books on archery. According to the profile of Mr. Itai’s book, he was born in Seattle, USA and graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University with a degree in English Literature. He worked for the Nissan Diesel company and was mainly involved in surveys and research on diesel vehicles in Europe and the United States.



Mr. Itai mentioned the following in the preface of the Kanto branch publishing 「Ainu dog」. Far from Hokkaido, the Dokenpo Kanto Branch, which was established in Tokyo, is delighted to be able to celebrate its 15th anniversary with the enthusiastic efforts of members who love Hokkaido dogs. Initially, only a dozen members liaised with the headquarters in Hokkaido and gathered under the motto of mutual friendship and proper preservation of Hokkaido dogs. The number of members increased year by year, and now it has reached several hundred. Branch offices and liaisons have been established not only in Tokyo and Kanto, but also in each prefecture.

It is no exaggeration to say that the 10-odd Kanto branch exhibitions, especially the field trials on how dogs react to bears, wild boars, and raccoon dogs, are pioneering activities for the development of Hokkaido dogs. And these exhibitions have become the focus of attention for many dog lovers of Japanese native dogs.

さらに、英語に堪能だった板井さんは、1970年の時点で序文を英語でも紹介している。 北海道犬の専門家が、その特徴を正確に英語で記述しているのは、これ以前の文献では見たことがない。


In addition, Mr. Itai, who was familiar with English, introduced the preface in English as well in 1970. It was the first time for me to see a Hokkaido dog expert describe Hokkaido dogs in English.
In this preface, Mr. Itai introduces the Ainu dog accurately with foresight that can be used even now in 2022.

“The Ainu dog has a long history of settling in Hokkaido together with the Ainu people. It is a medium-sized Japanese dog, a hunting dog that bravely attacks large wild animals of Hokkaido such as bears and deers. And Hokkaido dogs have been called as Ainu dogs. In 1935, this precious Ainu dog was designated as the “natural monument Hokkaido dog” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to preserve this breed.
Nowadays, Ainu dog lovers are raising Ainu dogs not only in Hokkaido but all over Japan as hunting dogs and as members of the family. We are still making efforts to make the Ainu dog one of the representative dog breeds in the world.”


Until recently, there was a custom in Hokkaido that Hokkaido dogs should not be called “Ainu dogs”. Even in the Hokkaido News Paper, they apologized for writing Ainu dog in their newspaper and edited the article the next day to Hokkaido dog. I presume this social trend there is still going on. The Ainu people and dogs should not be written side by side. People living outside of Hokkaido who were not or pretending to be at the scene of the history of Ainu being discriminated against and exploited in Hokkaido would not know this. Therefore, I was often asked, “Does the Hokkaido dog mean the Ainu dog?” The people of Hokkaido have been familiar with Ainu dogs since they were little, and the local government and newspapers call them Hokkaido dogs, so they were often confused.

In 1935, the Ainu dog was designated as a natural monument Hokkaido dog because, in principle, Japanese dogs are named after the place of production, including the Akita dog. Shiba Inu is an exception to this rule because it is said that the Shiba Inu had already spread nationwide before being designated and thus, could not be named after the production area. The first Shiba Inu pedigree (registration) is recorded in Shimane Prefecture. It is known as a dog that accompanied to Japan with people who came from the Continent and the Korean Peninsula during the Yayoi period. At the same time as hunting, the role is to “bark well” as a guard dog to inform when people come. Speaking of Japanese dogs, the Shiba Inu, which is much smaller than the Akita Inu, was easy to keep in Japanese households and is still very popular nationwide.

東京で、雑司ヶ谷から青山に引っ越してまもなく、突然、伊智狼のお嫁さんにと、 北海道、釧路の林 一さんから、北海道犬の子犬が送られてきた。林さんとは面識はなかったが、これを機会に道東の釧路で、千歳系の北海道犬を普及されている方だと知った。子犬の 血統書の名前は「とっぷ」だったが、通常は「摩理(マリ)」と呼んだ。マリの血統書は、千歳系の名犬と言われた秀やジロなどが名を連ねていた。


後に伊智狼とマリは、子犬を沢山つくり、東京や首都圏に飼われた子どもたちは、展覧会で再会のが楽しみだった。会員に知人が多い叔母は、伊智狼とマリの子犬たちの様子を知りたくて、お家を訪ねていけるところは会いに行った。帰ってくると 「よかった。かわいがってもらっていて」と、安堵していた。叔母は1980年に52歳になったばかりで逝ってしまったが、人間にも動物にも自分のことは譲ってでも、やさしかった。読書家で、小説や文学、スポーツ、大相撲やプロ野球にも詳しかった。いろいろなことを私に教えてくれて、自分のことより、いつも私たち家族全員のことを考えてくれていた叔母だった。

Shortly after moving from Zoshigaya to Aoyama, Tokyo, we received a surprised delivery from Kusiro, Hokkaido. It was a cute puppy of Hokkaido dog. At the same time, we had a phone call from Mr. Kakizaki in Sapporo of Dokenpo telling us that the puppy would be so nice as a partner of Ichiro. Mr. Hayashi was popularizing Chitose Hokkaido dogs in Kushiro, Eastern Hokkaido. The puppy’s pedigree was called “Top”, but she was usually called “Mali”. Mali’s pedigree included reputable Chitose dogs; Shu and Jiro.

It was customary for white dogs like Ichiro to have partners with red or black coats rather than white to keep the pigment darker when they have puppies, but the names of dogs in the pedigree representing the Chitose family were wonderful. Looking at the pedigree, the family was convinced and pleased that she was selected as his wife. Above all, Mali was clever, elegant and tender.

Even so, the whole family was very surprised to receive the sudden delivery without any previous information, but soon equally overjoyed to have a new family member.

Later, Ichiro and Mari had a lot of puppies, and when my aunt (sometimes with me ) went to dog exhibitions, she could see their grown up puppies again, who were adopted in Tokyo and the metropolitan areas. In addition, my aunt was happy to meet the puppies’ new families when she was invited. Upon her return, she would say, “I’m glad. I’m grateful for their love to the puppy.” with relief. My aunt was tender. She would always think about other people and animals interests before her own. Both my aunt and mother loved to read and were familiar with novels and literature. She was a voracious reader and knew a lot about novels, literature, sports, such as sumo and professional baseball. She taught me many things and was an aunt who always thought more about all of us family members than herself.

最初のマリと伊智狼の子犬は4匹生まれた。 関東だけではなく、太狼と次狼と名付けた2頭は名古屋に行くことになり、お別れの日はマリにわからないようにそっと見送り、叔母は泣いていた。それを見て私も一緒に泣いた。マリは60日ぐらいまでは、一心不乱に授乳や子育てに没頭し、父親の伊智狼が子犬をの覗きに来たり、一緒に遊ぼうとしても、そばに来るのを歓迎しなかった。



Not only Kanto, but the two puppies named Taro and Jiro were adopted to families in Nagoya, and on the day of farewell, my family gently saw them off so that Mali wouldn’t notice, and my aunt was tearing. Seeing that, I cried as well. For the first 60 days after giving birth, Mali was devoted to breastfeeding, raising and protecting the puppies. Even when the puppies’ father, Ichiro went to look into them or tried to play with them, Mali did not welcome him to come by.

Perhaps, Mali didn’t trust Ichiro and sometimes threatened to kick him out. Ichiro would then go back to one of his favorite places. We were worried about what would happen to Mali if the puppies were adopted by new families, but when she finished raising them , she seemed a little exhausted and absent-minded at first, but soon returned to the old Mali we knew and loved.

The Hokkaido dog exhibitions of the Kanto branch were usually held on Sundays or national holidays, so we would leave our home early to reach the venue by 8:30. After the exhibition, we would help clean the venue and return home late evening. Since Ichiro had won both the exhibition and the beast hunting competition, it was normal to go to the venue in the morning because some members came to see Ichiro. Mali also came to the exhibitions together from time to time. Mali would also perform very well.






叔母は展覧会や獣猟競技大会などの会場で、多くの北海道犬を見て、審査員や経験者からも知識を得ながら叔母自身も伊智狼やマリ、そしてその子供たちを健康で優れた犬にするために、いつも勉強していた。私も叔母から北海道犬の系統や血統書、会員の様々な考えを間接的に聞いてきたことで、北海道犬への関心を長く強く持ち続けることができた。 叔母は関東支部の会員の皆さんから信頼を得たのは当然だと思う。叔母は、いつのまにか北海道保存会関東支部の理事をボランティアで務め、家族が東京から千葉県に引っ越したときは、関東支部の千葉支所が叔母に託されて創設された。

叔母は、道犬保関東支部の理事の名刺や、関東支部千葉支所の表札を、 受け取って、一度母や私に見せてくれたが、気恥ずかしかったのか、そのまましまって、名刺も表札も実際に使った様子もなかった。叔母が一所懸命関東支部のボランティアの仕事をしていたことを、私はもっとよく理解して、手伝って、感謝すべきだったと、今でも悔やんでいる。



My aunt Tahara Tomie
My aunt started going to the exhibitions by herself more and more, but she couldn’t always bring both Ichiro and Mali.

On Sundays, my dad usually went to work-related meetings and played golf. My mother had to stay home. Therefore, my aunt went to the exhibitions, and also became the handler. I usually went with them but couldn’t go when I was in the first grade of high school to college, as there were many events on Sundays, but the truth is that I was really sleepy to get ready and go out early on Sunday mornings. My aunt took care of daily walks with Ichiro and Mali, exhibitions, and field trials for our family whenever necessary.
My aunt saw many Hokkaido dogs at exhibitions and field trials , and while gaining knowledge from judges and experts, my aunt himself made Ichiro, Mali, and their puppies healthy and excellent. By indirectly hearing from my aunt about the lineage, pedigree, and various ideas of the members, I was able to maintain a strong interest in Hokkaido dogs for a long time. My aunt was a director of volunteers for the Kanto Branch of the Hokkaido Preservation Society, and when my family moved from Tokyo to Chiba Prefecture, the Chiba substation of the Kanto Branch was entrusted to my aunt. I think it was natural that my aunt gained the trust from the members of the Kanto branch.

My aunt received the business card of the director of the Kanto branch of Do Ken Po and the nameplate of the Chiba substation of the Kanto branch. She showed them to our families, but maybe it was embarrassing, she left those as they were, and the business card and nameplate were actually It didn’t seem to be used for. I still regret that I should have better understood, helped, and thanked my aunt for working hard as a volunteer in the Kanto branch.

Members of Kanto branch
At the Kanto branch of the Dokenpo, I saw Ohko (picture above right) and his puppies. I also witnessed the characteristics of the Iwamizawa Hokkaido dog. Ohko’s puppies were all splendid, and for a while the Kanto branch had a lot of Iwamizawa-type Hokkaido dogs. Hokkaido dogs of the Iwamizawa type were larger than the Chitose type. The Iwamizawa type Hokkaido dogs had a common characteristic of a distinct white coat from the face to the belly, similar to northern dogs such as huskies and Alaskan malamutes. After learning about different types of Hokkaido dogs, I found out that Atsuo (father of the first Ichiro) and our first Ichiro were of the Iwamizawa-type.

If the hypothesis that the Iwamizawa lineage has the appearance and characteristics of northern dogs is confirmed, it is thought that the the diverse ethnic groups that traveled to and from Hokkaido will also be clarified from the perspective of the movement of dogs accompanied by people. Currently, the Iwamizawa type of Hokkaido dog has gone through the process of being mixed with the Chitose type, and it seems that all of the Hokkaido dogs in Sapporo, Tokyo, and the Kanto region are Chitose type Hokkaido dogs. Therefore, photographs of Iwamizawa-type Hokkaido dogs, such as Ohko and the Ohryu of Ohko’s son are valuable.



Ever since Ichiro’s puppy (Sakurahime=princess Sakura) was given to the Touyama family in Meguro-ku, Tokyo, my mother and aunt became close with Mrs. Fujie Touyama, mainly chatting about Hokkaido dogs. She was the eldest child of governor & Mrs. Machimura in Hokkaido, and the youngest son was the late Nobutaka Machimura, who became a politician. Mrs. Touyama was such a bright, intelligent and tender person that everyone who got to know her loved her. In the Toyama family, Sakurahime was called “Koro” and was loved very much. Everyone in the Touyama family was a big dog lover, and I think Sakurahime was the happiest dog I’ve ever known. Koro died at the age of 13, which was a long life at the time, and did not get sick.
In DoKenPo, there were two people with the surname Touyama. One was Mrs. Fujie Touyama’s husband, and the other was Mr. Kagehisa Touyama. They were both well- known, and people often got them mixed up. Mr. Kagehisa Touyama published books titled, “Europe Kechon Kechon”. As such, his nickname was “Kechon Kechon” among his DoKenPo friends. The name of the kennel was “Alaska-so” after the restaurant “Alaska” that he managed. When the puppies are born, we will report the kennel name to the DoKenPo, so it seems that my parents and aunt decided that Ichiro and Mari’s kennel would be named “Yamano Kennel” It’s a great name and I really like it.


Ms.Sada Kitamura had a wonderful red (brown) dog named Tonko. Before Mari came to our house, Tonko gave birth to cute puppies three times with Ichiro.

Sada Kitamura often came to the dog exhibition hall with Tonko, and after finishing the exhibition and cleaning up , she returned home. Tonko was an excellent balanced and tender dog, always winning the top prize in the female group. Ms. Sada Kitamura, had an alias named Sachiko Murase. She was a well-known stage actress at the Haiyuza Theater, and had appeared in films and TV dramas.

Sada Kitamura, my parents and aunt got to know each other through Tonko and Ichiro, and while they were all busy, they seemed to enjoy spending time talking about dogs and theater.Whenever Sachiko Murase appeared in a play, our family bought tickets from her and went to see it at the Haiyuza Theater in Roppongi. At that time, Ms. Komaki Kurihara, also a member of Haiyuza, was enjoying most of her popularity when she appeared in a NHK-TV Taiga drama (long running NHK-TV series) .

Farewell to Branch Manager Kazuo Itai
On January 10, 1972, Kanto Branch Manager Kazuo Itai passed away at age of 59. Ohko, his beloved dog, stopped eating and on the day of his funeral, he repeatedly howled sadly. My father also attended the funeral, and he composed two tanka (Japanese short poems) about Ohko that day.


Poem shared on the day of the funeral of Mr. Kazuo Itai (Natural Monument Hokkaido Dog Preservation Society Kanto Branch Manager).
君をおくる みぞれ降る日に 「王虎」鳴くなり

We send you on a sleet day, while your Ohko mourns.
遠吠えの王虎は悲し 主なき雪つもる夜を 寝もやらずして

The howling Ohko is sorrowful, without even sleeping on a snowy night, missing you.

結び  一般社団法人天然記念物北海道犬保存会(道犬保)の本部展を観ながら想う(2022.10.16)。

DoKenPo’s latest Headquarters exhibition (2022/10/16)




(一般社団法人天然記念物北海道犬保存会会報 2023年2月号に掲載)

(The article was published in the February 2023 issue of the Bulletin, the Society for the Preservation of the Natural tresure of Hokkaido Dog)










