Hokkaido style (JPN/ENG)

北海道ーHokkaido Style




























  Fashionable Protective hats – Abonet

I often heard of fashion antenna stores located in Sapporo, Obihiro and other places in Hokkaido. Apparently, these areas are where apparel makers pay attention to the sales trends of their new products.
It is true that Sapporo is home to a relatively young and fashionable population, as well as people of all ages. Compared to the crowded Tokyo metropolitan area, it is easier to spot fashion people in Hokkaido where there’s appropriate amount of space per person.

Under severe cold weather, even in urban areas, it is normal for people to wear black top and bottom, and to do their best to survive the cold. When people from other northern cities in Honshu visit Sapporo and Obihiro, they are impressed by the colorful and fashionable clothing, even in winter, with some people wearing skirts.

I have always loved wearing hats and I loved that its’ presence in fashion is big in Sapporo. Hats are used not only for walking in the snow, winter sports, outdoor events, or to block out the summer sun, but also as a daily necessity. Actually, I found lovely hat shops in town and the hat sections at department stores with wide variety of designs and types.

There is an event in Sapporo, Japan, where I had high hopes for the fashionable flair associated with the hats.
Although the expansion of underground malls and road heating have been promoted as possible solutions to the dangerous situation of people getting injured on winter roads, infrastructure improvement still required huge amount of money and time. It seems to me that improvements can be made to prevent falls on winter roads, such as walking on icy roads with non-slip shoes and accessories, but there are no definitive solutions. There is also a “Sunabako” or, sand box. The idea is that each person takes out the anti-slip powder from the box and sprinkles it on the road before crossing the street, but it seems to me that the idea has been utterly exhausted. The powder is black or gray in color, and it is a pitiful way to gain safety while staining the white winter scenery that Sapporo prides itself on.

One day, I was at the hospital for an examination because I had taken a nasty fall and was feeling unwell the next day. There, I heard that the city of Sapporo had been working since around 2000 on the development of abonet; a hat that protects the head from falls. This had been ongoing for three or five years, with the goal of commercializing it. The city received strong consumer demand for a hat that provides safety and protection for the head and is also fashionable to be used on a daily basis. As one would expect, Sapporo citizens care about the fashionability of their hats even in the middle of winter.

When I later had a chance to meet staff of Sapporo city office, I asked them about abonet. They were in the process of devising a pattern together with the students from the city design school to see if they could add a frill to the brim of the hat. However, since the city is the owner of the avonette development, they wanted to cooperate with local vocational schools, research institutes, and design companies as much as possible and procure materials from local areas. The city’s intention to utilize local sources whenever possible is totally understandable, however due to this it seemed it would take more time to complete the project.

Shortly thereafter, a prototype of the “abonet,” a protective hat developed by the City of Sapporo, appeared in a local newspaper. At the time, the newspaper covered two prototypes, one for women and the other for men, and only the completed men’s version appeared with a photo. The model was the mayor of the city at that time, and the city was probably paying respect for the leader of the project.  Even if we look at it favorably, honestly speaking I felt a setback since it looked different from the safety caps I was used to seeing at construction sites. I hoped the women’s version, which seemed to be unfinished at the time, would combine safety with fashion.

Twenty years had passed since its development, and at this time, when my memory of it was becoming rare to recall, I was suddenly given an occasion to write about fashion. So, I tracked down abonet, and to my delight, it was still alive and had not disappeared. However, whether it is an appropriate subject for the theme “Regarding Fashion” is somewhat questionable. Despite the fact that the abonet was intended to be a fashion item, it was also functional and practical use, especially in the field of nursing care and as a safety helmet to prevent falls and other potential dangers.  It seems that it is still being improved and tested to satisfy the needs of both citizens and tourists. If in need of use, abonet is available at hat specialty and department stores in Hokkaido. It is also competing with other domestic and foreign safety hats on the Rakuten Ichiba and Amazon web shop platform.

Nowadays, Sapporo brand protective hats abonet is more fashionable and trendier than they used to be. It is trying to meet various needs for citizens, such as the aging population, nursing care, dangerous roads, and snowy mountains where skiing and snowboarding are more dangerous than the roads.
Still, I wonder if they are arduously developing something unpredictable or state of the art. The fun continues.

了 end


   Favorite season

It is late at night in Fukui, Sapporo, with no pedestrians on the street, and the roofs of the buildings and trees are completely covered in white. I looked up to see if the brightness was coming from the streetlights, to learn that it was in fact the moonlight. The expression “snow is falling calmly” precisely describes what this scene looks like. Just standing in this silver world where snow flutters without a break, I feel as if I could be a poet.

The next morning, when I opened the front door, my car was covered with snow up to its roof. Mrs. Takenaga, who lives across the street, said to me as I was trying to clear the snow from my car, “Once or twice a year, we have a snow day like this. Even if you get the car out of the snow, you can’t move on the road. On days like this, everyone takes the day off.” She spoke with a deliberate Hokkaido intonation, perhaps to emphasize the fact that we are in Hokkaido.

“I can’t. I have to go to the office. I have an appointment with a business traveler from Tokyo today, and someone has to answer the phone in an office with so few people.” I tried to walk to the nearest Hassamu station, but there was snow up to my waist. So, I took a cab that was just in front of me, but the cab also got stuck in the snow. I couldn’t say that I wanted to get off in the middle, as such, I only wasted money. We tried our best, but all we did was spin. It was a day in which I learned that it is the way of life for human beings to adjust their activities in accordance with the natural order of things.

There were countless failures in the winter. My self-confidence that I had lived in Sapporo for three years as a junior high school student was quickly shattered. My life centered on school and friends was cared for and supported by my family. Their loving care and support had been pushed into a corner of my memory and I took it for granted until I was back in Sapporo as an adult.

Still, the winter in Sapporo is hard to forget, perhaps because the years of ups and downs, the days when I wanted to cry, were eventually overcome by me. The warmth of the people who supported me through my down and unfamiliar times will stay with me more deeply in my heart for a long time to come.

This is why I like winter in Sapporo, but my favorite season begins with its prelude rather than suddenly turning into winter. When I walk or drive around Mt. Moiwa in autumn, I am struck by the vividness of the autumn leaves. I try to capture the beauty of the autumn leaves in my eyes. As I gaze at them, I feel a little sad to say goodbye to this beauty as I know a long winter awaits us.

In the first year of my transfer, as I gazed at the colorful natural forest spreading out at the base of Moiwa, I certainly experienced a sense of sadness and wistfulness. Why am I in such a lonely place? I did not know why I felt this way in my beloved Hokkaido, where I have many friends. So, no matter how beautiful the autumn leaves were, I thought I would never like the lonely autumn.

Perhaps the reason why I like autumn even when I feel lonely is that through loneliness and sadness, there was an illusion of deepening inner self and self-absorption. The autumn and winter in Sapporo were wonderful.



   Memories of Bihoro Mountain Pass

Bihoro Mountain Pass is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in the eastern part of Hokkaido. Centered on Lake Kussharo, the second largest lake in Hokkaido after Lake Saroma, it is famous for its spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and lakes. On the other side of Lake Kussharo, on the eastern shore of Bihoro Pass, is the famous Kawayu Onsen Hot Spring. Lake Mashu and Lake Akan are also located near Lake Kussharo, and from the Bihoro Pass, tourists mostlly seem to split off toward Kushiro and Abashiri to enjoy the northern wildlife ecosystem and bird watching.

It was 1965, the first year I moved from Tokyo to Sapporo, and during the summer vacation of my first year of junior high school, my whole family took a five-day trip to Kushiro and Abashiri via the Bihoro Pass. Although there was no observatory on the high ground of Bihoro Pass, the mystical lake and the expanse of natural forest appeared before us, and we were immersed in the silence as if we were cut off from the rest of the world. Perhaps it was because we were not overlapped by tourist buses, but there were only a dozen or so people there, including our family of six. At the entrance to the top of Bihoro Pass, there were about three souvenir stores of the Ainu people scattered around. About 10 meters away from one of the stores was a tall wooden pole with a bear cub tied to it. After following the others to the higher ground, I decided to return to the bear cub as soon as possible, so I went to the store first and asked the young man who was making and selling Ainu wood carvings what the cub’s name was. As soon as I heard him say, “It’s Aitaro,” I ran out and called out, “Aitaro!” and crouched down nearby to observe the bear. It was more adorable than in pictures or stuffed animals, with its broad forehead and cute round eyes. I was curious to see how brown coats are slightly brownish, unlike the black bears in Honshu. Unknowingly, I was getting closer to the cub, but of course I did not immediately put out my hand and pat him, and I was cautious as well. Still, I wanted to make friends with this baby bear, so I was squatting down and looking at it from the same height as the cub, when suddenly Aitaro “gulped” the white handbag I was holding in my hand and holding in my lap, and pulled me in with incredible force, as if he were dragging me in while still chewing on the bag. I wondered where such maniacal stupid power lurked in this baby bear, and as I struggled to pull, the bag was luckily dislodged from his mouth just as he was about to re-hook it. The vibrations from the bite on my bag were so strong that if it had bit my wrist, my wrist would have been torn off. I thought the bear cub wanted me to think the bag was food.

It seemed like a long time, but it was more of a fighting than a tug-of-war, lasting less than a minute or two. I looked around and saw no one around. If people had seen this, they would have said that this baby bear was unsafe. At the very least, they would have said that just chaining it up was dangerous, or that we should build a fence.

From now on, it would only be up to me to remind people that bears, no matter how small or cute, are ferocious when they want food. As a junior high school student, I made that decision on the spur of the moment and said nothing to Aitaro’s owner at the store, my family, or anyone else.

The following year, when I was in my second year of junior high school, I was again scheduled to go on a school excursion to the east of Hokkaido to visit the Bihoro Pass, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, and the Shiretoko Five Lakes. I spent about a week of the trip with my teacher and friends, wondering whether or not I could share a room with my best friends, whether or not I could take a boat ride on Lake Akan, whether or not I could see Lake Mashu, etc. We laughed a lot and chatted late into the night with a different kind of fun than on a family trip.

I had not forgotten the incident at Bihoro Pass one year ago. However, perhaps due to a certain tension and excitement during the school trip, I remembered Aitaro only when I saw the schedule that the next destination was Bihoro Pass and Lake Kussharo.

I wondered how Aitaro was doing.

“I know this place, so I’ll go ahead,” I said, and in the short time I had free until the meeting time at Bihoro Pass, I walked away from my friend who was always with me and walked up to the souvenir stores at a quick pace. There were a couple more stores, but there was also a familiar wooden pole where I saw a back that looked like an Aitaro. I ran in a circle and turned around to the front, and saw that it was an Aitaro, but it was a stuffed Aitaro. He was wearing a green jacket, and a wooden board with the word “Aitaro” written on it was standing next to him.

He was about the same size as he had been a year earlier, so he must have had some accident soon after that, and for a long time from then on I was convinced of that. I was overcome with sadness and anger when I remembered, even though it was more than half a century ago, what a terrible way to keep a bear chained up and then display it as a stuffed animal when it came to harm.

However, as I traveled back and forth to Hokkaido, I came to understand something. The area around Bihoro Pass and East Hokkaido were also the site of Ainu settlements, and the 1960s was a time of rapid development. It is known that even in the 1960s and 1970s, when Hokkaido was in the process of development, bear hunting was still practiced throughout Hokkaido when it was necessary for subsistence. In a more natural way of life than today, bears live in the mountains and forests, and humans go into the mountains and forests to shoot bears to help them make a living. Some people bring the cubs home with them when they are around and raise them as long as they can, but after all, wild animals can only survive in the mountains and forests as their parents have taught them.

As the village was gradually forced to modernize, they probably started a souvenir store to sell wood carvings of the Bihoro Pass to tourists. The young men who carved the names and words Inankul, Kotan, and Kamui on the backs of the accessories, one by one, to customer orders, must not have been able to make a living doing just that. The village would have continued bear hunting, and I guessed that was to be naturally expected.

Now I have come to believe that the owner, who had named his cub Aitaro at Bihoro Pass to raise it as far as he probably could, was not as terrible a person as I had considered him as a child, but rather a natural human being.

